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Chemotherapy Unveiled

Chemotherapy Unveiled is an innovative virtual reality project aimed at demystifying the chemotherapy process for new patients and their caregivers.

Chemotherapy Unveiled is an innovative virtual reality project aimed at demystifying the chemotherapy process for new patients and their caregivers. Often, patients are given dense pamphlets filled with medical jargon and are not provided with a tour of the chemo facility or an opportunity to speak with chemo nurses until much later. This project bridges the gap by offering an immersive 360-degree video experience that guides patients and caregivers through the entire chemotherapy process, empowering them with knowledge and control over their journey.

In the Introduction to Chemotherapy experience, patients and caregivers are virtually guided through a patient's first chemotherapy session, from arrival at the facility to the completion of the treatment. This immersive video showcases the chemotherapy facility, introduces the chemo nurses, and provides essential information about the process in a clear and approachable manner. By enabling patients and caregivers to experience this journey in the comfort of their own homes, they can better understand the process, develop a common language, and build a sense of control over their treatment.

Research has shown that virtual reality experiences can help reduce anxiety in patients undergoing medical procedures (1) and can be effective educational tools for both patients and caregivers, increasing their understanding of complex medical information (2, 3). The Introduction to Chemotherapy project not only addresses this need but also provides valuable information that chemo nurses often have to repeat, making it an accessible resource for patients and caregivers to revisit as needed.


Chirico, A., Lucidi, F., De Laurentiis, M., Milanese, C., Napoli, A., & Giordano, A. (2016). Virtual Reality in Health System: Beyond Entertainment. A Mini-Review on the Efficacy of VR During Cancer Treatment. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 231(2), 275-287.

Palma, E., & Romano, D. M. (2020). The Use of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Interdisciplinary Research and Education: A Case Study in Cancer Management. Education Sciences, 10(6), 167.

Kyaw, B. M., Saxena, N., Posadzki, P., Vseteckova, J., Nikolaou, C. K., George, P. P., ... & Tudor Car, L. (2019). Virtual reality for health professions education: Systematic review and meta-analysis by the digital health education collaboration. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(1), e12959.

By harnessing the power of virtual reality, Introduction to Chemotherapy offers a groundbreaking approach to patient education and support, fostering empowerment and reducing anxiety for both patients and caregivers as they navigate the chemotherapy journey together.

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